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Backend developer - Scania Sales Portal

Backend (+3 yrs) • Fullstack (+3 yrs)
Internet of Things, Cars & Transportation, Industry & Production, AI & Machine learning, Analysis & Big data, Enterprise infrastructure & Application
Over 1000 employees
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C#C# (+ 3 yrs)

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Position description

Your technical profile To be able to be a part of our exciting mission, we believe you currently work as a senior developer with x years of experience. You also have the following competencies: Solid experience in .NET backend development Have a mindset of quality thinking throughout your work, test automation comes naturally Knowledge in design patterns Years of experience from working in complex systems Coaching team mates in best practices Good experience with integrated development environments, software architecture design and development, and software test and deployment Knowledge of software release lifecycle Communication skills in Swedish or English Agile, Scrum AWS It is beneficial if you have experience within any of the following: Microservice architecture In Sales Portal we have 3 medium-sized development teams. Working methods are both Scrum and Kanban depending on team. Together with your team members you are responsible for all artefacts the team dev...

Life at Scania IT

IT at Scania Information Technology is an integrated part of Scania’s core business, our products and solutions. The competences required range from system development to maintenance and support. When you work with IT you work closely with your customer, whether the assignment is towards internal operations or external customers. Today we depend on technology for every aspect of our business, thus support and maintenance is crucial. From a development perspective, we need to stay at the cutting edge. Our technology is meant to optimise the total solution and gain benefits for our customers. The competence in IT is of great value both in Sales and in Services, to be able to understand how Scania’s solutions support customer’s needs. If you bring creativity and commitment to the job, we offer opportunities to build a great network, develop your skills and contribute to future IT-solutions in return. It is a working environment in constant development and requires both high...


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