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For people powering tech

Find all the people you need for your team. From developers and engineers to marketeers and HR specialists.

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What Demando Offers

Self Service

Search and source candidates on your own, with full access to our talent pool of over 55,000 quality-assured candidates.

Recruitment Service

A scalable recruitment solution with dedicated recruitment specialists who assist with everything you need to succeed.

Self Service

Which plan suits your needs?


Good for those who need to recruit between 1-3 people over a limited time.

4 000kr/mon

20 000kr upon signing

Everything in Access and

Security Guarantee




Good for those with ongoing or larger recruitment needs.

5 000kr/mon

0kr upon signing

Everything in Access and

Boosted job ads

Security Guarantee




Book us for a digital meeting

Do you need extra support?

Customize a solution with one of our experienced tech recruitment experts. We support you throughout the entire hiring process based on your needs.

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Recruitment services

20 - 30 000

kr/month and

40 000

kr upon signing

Sourcing, Screening, Assessment
Employer Branding
Advisory support from start to finish


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