Total Software Solutions i Norden AB
Finans och försäkring, Sälj, Analys & Big data, Bilar & Transport, AI & maskininlärning
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Work-life balance
Livet hos Total Software Solutions i Norden AB
Started to develop Fleet 360 software in 2017 (Azure).
Collect all fleet related data in one platform and be the "CRM-system for cars". Simplify the day-to day errands for fleet management and providing reports and functions in order to make fact based decisision regardings optimizations and cost reduction of the fleet. Today Fleet360 engage 11 FTE:s. 4 developer and 1 product leader. We move rapidly in Sweden, Norway and Finland and need to scale up with more developers. With the combined competence of Fleet management and tech we have a unique position on the Nordic market to reach the goal of beeing the leading platform of fleet management in the Nordics by 2025.