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Help us change the way transactions are made.




Analysis & Big data, Ecommerce, AI & Machine learning

10-19 employees

Perks & benefits


Fixed salary

Occupational pension

Partnership program



Wellness allowance

Quality of life

Own responsibility

Working time

Flexible working hours


Career development

Central office

Dedicated development time

Development opportunities

Snacks and beverages

Tech stack & tools

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Images from the company
Images from the company

Life at Woilà

Woilà changes the way transactions are made. Our forward-thinking app helps consumers save money in their everyday life. If you have ever purchased something online – sorry to say – you have most likely been screwed. Not that you didn’t get a good deal at the time, just that things happen. Trains get delayed. Stores drop prices after big rushes on products. For far too long, consumers have left money on the table. Because of unawareness, or simply because it's inconvenient to go through the hassle. Woilà tackles this by introducing transparency in everything that happens after a purchase. Sign up once, and we will take care of the rest. Our service builds better relationships between both consumers and retailers. And trust, happiness, less angry support errands, a reduced number of product returns, and less shopping anxiety. We are flipping things around for the greater good.

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