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Providing providing access to the highest return investment opportunities




Analysis & Big data, Finance & Insurance, Blockchain, AI & Machine learning

20-49 employees

Perks & benefits


Competitive salary

Fixed salary

Partnership program


Wellness allowance

Quality of life

Own responsibility

Prefer not to travel in work


Work-life balance

Working time

Flexible working hours

Non-regulated working hours


Allergy friendly office

Career development

Central office

Choose own equipment

Development opportunities

Tech stack & tools

Images from the company
Images from the company
Images from the company

Life at Royc

Royc is a new WealthTech company that specialises in digitalised asset management solutions for private investors and partner banks. Operations are underway in London, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the rest of Europe. Royc is discreet but passionate about helping investors enrich and diversify their portfolios, and we are excited for the role we will play in developing investment opportunities in the near future. We are in a take off phase of our company’s journey that focuses on new product development and international expansion. During 2022, Royc raised one of the largest seed rounds in Europe. This funding round was made possible due to the established and respected advisory network of the founding team. The team has an unquestionable track-record at the pinnacle of international private equity, fintech and banking.

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