100-499 employees
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Perks & benefits


Additional parental allowance

Collective agreement

Competitive salary

Extended compensation for parental leave

Fixed salary


Healthcare insurance


Wellness allowance

Quality of life

Own responsibility


Work-life balance


Allergy friendly office

Career development

Dedicated development time

Development opportunities

Gaming room

Position description

QRTECH is an Engineering House with expert capabilities within embedded systems development and electronics design.At QRTECH our goal is to provide smart and efficient solutions that facilitate, simplify, and improve the day-to-day tasks and businesses of our customers. If you want to be part of an innovative team that contribute to the future development of our connected society, then you will thrive working at QRTECH!

We are now looking for a Cyber security engineer to join our growing team. To enjoy the QRTECH culture you are curious and ambitious, see technical problems as interesting challenges and like sharing your knowledge. Working at QRTECH you will in most cases be working in a mix of development projects closely to your colleagues at our newly renovated office in Mölndal or at a customer site providing knowledge with a QRTECH team – a wide area of opportunities is created for your personal development.

We are looking f...

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Images from the company
Images from the company


QRTECH är ett ledande företag inom utveckling av elektronik, mjukvara och digitala tjänster. Vårt ursprung kommer från forskning och Göteborgs världsledande fordonsindustri. Idag är vi verksamma inom flera högteknologiska branscher där hög kvalitet, innovation och spetskunskap möts för att bygga morgondagens hållbara samhälle. Vi ser oss som en Technology Pathfinder. Vår framtidsidé bygger på att 20-talets utvecklingspartners har djup kunskap inom såväl hårdvara som mjukvara. Kombinationen gör oss unika. Vi guidar, hjälper och utvecklar lösningar, så att våra kunder kan få mesta möjliga effekt av den växande digitala tekniken.


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