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Oakwood Creative

We’re a group of cutting-edge creatives, developers, designers and suits working together to help our clients turn ones and zeroes into engagement and value.



Oakwood Creative

20-49 employees

Life at Oakwood Creative

We’re a full service marketing agency with a digital DNA. We make brands loved, services popular and products sold out. We’re a bunch of 20+ happy heads. We’re developing strategies, telling stories, designing commercial art and coding cool stuff in an open environment. Our roles are organically intertwined and we bring the full set of skills to the table from day one. That way we can solve our clients’ business problems the best way possible, and give them the most thwacke! pow! and kablamm! for the buck. Since 2006 we’ve made digital flagship stores, visual identities, top listed apps, interactive installations and everything in between. And we’ve been greatly rewarded with champagne from our clients and statuettes from some of the world’s biggest award shows.

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