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Full Stack Engineer @ Eatit

Frontend (+5 yrs) • Mobile (+5 yrs) • Fullstack (+5 yrs)
Medical & Healthcare
10-19 employees
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Skills & tools

Perks & benefits


Competitive salary

Fixed salary

Partnership program


Wellness allowance

Quality of life

Own responsibility

Work-life balance

Working time

Flexible working hours

Non-regulated working hours

Shorter work week


Career development

Central office

Development opportunities

Freedom at work

Office first

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Images from the company

Life at Eatit

Eatit vill att det ska vara enkelt att fatta hälsosamma beslut. Vi kombinerar beteendevetenskap, nutrition, smart teknik och otroliga människor för att tackla den globala epidemin av kroniska livsstilssjukdomar, en gång för alla.


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